#ACSL1516S2. ACSL1516S2


PROBLEM. For this program you will be asked to code algorithms that replicates the ACSL string function STR defined below:

STR (float expression, length, decimal)- Converts a given floating point number to a formatted string value.

Length - The desired total length of the resulting string which includes all digits,decimals and signs.

Decimal - The number of decimal places to display in the resulting string. The result will be rounded to the given number of decimal places if necessary.

A length value that does not allow a value to be printed in the given format would cause an error. The # symbol will be printed to show the desired format.

Example: STR (523.125, 5, 2) would produce ##.## A length value greater than the length of the float expression causes the correct result to be right justified with the # symbol printed to the left to fill the desired length.

Example: STR(523.125, 9, 2) would produce ###523.13.

For non-negative numbers, rounding up occurs when the digit to the right is 5 or more.Rounding down occurs when the digit to the right is less than point 5. If the value is negative the rule that applies is -0.75 rounds down to -0.8 and -0.74 rounds up to -0.7.

INPUT: There will be 5 lines of input. Each line of input will contain a rational number (with orwithout a sign, and 2 non-negative integers. The 3 values represent the arguments of the STRcommand

OUTPUT: For each line of input print the result of applying the STR command as describedabove.



