#U2021JS1. Dance Mooves

Dance Mooves

Farmer John’s cows are showing off their new dance mooves!At first, all NN cows (2N1052≤N≤105) stand in a line with cow ii in the iith position in line. The sequence of dance mooves is given by KK (1K21051≤K≤2⋅105) pairs of positions (a1,b1**),(a2**,b2**),,(aK**,bK**)(a1,b1),(a2,b2),…,(aK,bK). In each minute i=1Ki=1…K of the dance, the cows in positions aiai and bibi in line swap. The same KK swaps happen again in minutes K+12KK+1…2K, again in minutes 2K+13K**2K+1…3K, and so on, continuing indefinitely in a cyclic fashion. In other words,

  • In minute 11, the cows at positions a1a1 and b1b1 swap.
  • In minute 22, the cows at positions a2a2 and b2b2 swap.
  • ...
  • In minute KK, the cows in positions aKaK and bKbK swap.
  • In minute K+1K+1, the cows in positions a1a1 and b1b1 swap.
  • In minute K+2K+2, the cows in positions a2a2 and b2b2 swap.
  • and so on ...

For each cow, please determine the number of unique positions in the line she will ever occupy.

INPUT FORMAT (input arrives from the terminal / stdin):

The first line contains integers NN and KK. Each of the next KK lines contains (a1,b1**)(aK**,bK**)(a1,b1)…(aK,bK) (1ai<biN**1≤ai<bi≤N).

OUTPUT FORMAT (print output to the terminal / stdout):

Print NN lines of output, where the iith line contains the number of unique positions that cow ii reaches.


5 4
1 3
1 2
2 3
2 4


  • Cow 11 reaches positions {1,2,3,4}{1,2,3,4}.
  • Cow 22 reaches positions {1,2,3,4}{1,2,3,4}.
  • Cow 33 reaches positions {1,2,3}{1,2,3}.
  • Cow 44 reaches positions {1,2,3,4}{1,2,3,4}.
  • Cow 55 never moves, so she never leaves position 55.


  • Test cases 1-5 satisfy N100,K200N≤100,K≤200.
  • Test cases 6-10 satisfy N2000,K4000N≤2000,K≤4000.
  • Test cases 11-20 satisfy no additional constraints.