#U1920FG2. Help Yourself

Help Yourself

Bessie has been given NN segments (1N1051≤N≤105) on a 1D number line. The iith segment contains all reals xx such that lixrili≤x≤ri.Define the union of a set of segments to be the set of all xx that are contained within at least one segment. Define the complexity of a set of segments to be the number of connected regions represented in its union.

Bessie wants to compute the sum of the complexities over all 2N2N subsets of the given set of NN segments, modulo 109**+**7109+7.

Normally, your job is to help Bessie. But this time, you are Bessie, and there's no one to help you. Help yourself!


  • Test cases 2-3 satisfy N16N≤16.
  • Test cases 4-7 satisfy N1000N≤1000.
  • Test cases 8-12 satisfy no additional constraints.

INPUT FORMAT (file help.in):

The first line contains NN.Each of the next NN lines contains two integers lili and riri. It is guaranteed that li**<rili<ri and all li,rili,ri are distinct integers in the range 12N.**1…2N.

OUTPUT FORMAT (file help.out):

Output the answer, modulo 109**+**7109+7.


1 6
2 3
4 5



The complexity of each nonempty subset is written below.




The answer is 1+1+1+1+1+2+1=81+1+1+1+1+2+1=8.